Weinland Park Community Civic Association
Steering Committee Minutes – January 10th, 2018
Laura Bidwa
Jennifer Cheeks
Ed Chin
Dymond Dukes
Omar Elhagmusa
Jen Mankin
Steve Sterrett
Georgina Stevenson
Proposal for WPCCA Refresh (Laura Bidwa & Omar Elhagmusa)
For the civic association meeting on January 24th, Laura and Omar proposed to brainstorm about ideas to make the meetings more fun, and then vote on them. At tonight’s steering meeting we discussed what we like most and dislike most about civic association meetings, activities, and responsibilities.
In addition, Laura and Omar discussed their meetings with many people to identify folks who may be interested in running for a leadership role: officer, committee chair, or event planner. They had asked many folks what they love and what they dislike about the civic association meetings. They also included some ideas for making the civic association meetings more fun, for example playing music before and
Annual Meeting in February (Laura Bidwa & Omar Elhagmusa)
For the civic association meeting on February 21st, Laura and Omar proposed to create a survey with the agenda topics that we discussed at past civic association meetings and let folks vote on what they liked and did not like to get a better understanding of what topics are interesting to them.
They also proposed having a short summary of the progress of the past year with remarks from the president and an update of our financial status from the treasurer, rather than a written annual report from the officers and committee chairs. There was a question if we don’t provide a written report, would the Weinland Park Collaborative, Columbus Foundation or other grant funders require the detail information needed to report our progress or successes. At this time, there is not an entity that would need
Annual budget (Steve Sterrett)
Steve reported the Weinland Park funders group (a subset of the Weinland Park Collaborative) has tentatively agreed to allocate $20,000 to $25,000 for resident engagement activities in Weinland Park in 2018. Examples of such activities include the annual festival and Roots & Roofs. He said the Steering Committee would have the responsibility of recommending how those funds should be allocated to various activities. He presented a list of such activities and the estimated cost of such activities in the past. He said the Steering Committee didn’t have to determine
As president, Jen Mankin appointed the steering committee members to serve as the nominating committee. Please let the nominating committee know if you or someone you know would like to run for an officer position.
Visit Mayor Ginther (Steve Sterrett)
Steve shared with us that the Weinland Park Collaborative will meet with Mayor Ginther on January 18th, 2018, to thank the city for its partnership in Weinland Park and to explain a few key examples of success. Members of the Steering Committee will be invited to the meeting. He said the Weinland Park Collaborative will let the mayor know that the work isn’t done in Weinland Park and will ask for continued city support to sustain the progress made. The collaborative also will offer to share the successes and strategies from Weinland Park to help other neighborhoods such as Linden and Hilltop.
Revisions to constitution
Laura suggested we look at the WPCCA constitution to see if amendments are needed to bring the document into line with the current practices of the association. Steve agreed to review the constitution and bring a list of sections that potentially could be revised to the Steering Committee meeting in February.