Held via Zoom
6:00, Tuesday, May 5, 2021
00:08:40 Michael Wilkos (he/him): I like the more industrial look to these buildings in contrast to the buildings that have already been built.
00:13:27 Tanya Long: I think it s sleek and modern looking
00:14:26 Jim Dowdle: Are you keeping any of the current structures?
00:17:24 WPCCA Meetings: https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2018/2/19/low-cost-pop-up-shops-create-big-value-in-muskegon-michigan
00:17:52 Jody Poth: That would be awesome!
00:18:11 Jacob Yount: Yes, love the idea of some type of retail in the area
00:19:12 Tanya Long: Would be nice…pop ups are very “in” right now
00:19:43 Michael Wilkos (he/him): What is the timing on this
00:20:15 Michael Wilkos (he/him): Is it 48 units total?
00:21:30 Jacob Yount: What’s the timing on Joyce Hughes Park?
00:25:06 Elizabeth: Is anyone here from Peerless
00:26:04 WPCCA Meetings: No, I don’t believe so.
00:31:48 Elizabeth: They were not here last month either
00:32:52 Pastor Roscoe Robey: Will the church be allowed to have representation on this group?
00:32:59 WPCCA Meetings: Absolutely!
00:36:03 Tanya Long: So was I Mr. Goosby
00:43:02 Linda Willis: Was the meeting recorded last time?
00:43:25 WPCCA Meetings: I’m not sure what meeting they’re talking about, but that’s a good question.
00:44:59 Linda Willis: Mr. Goosby may know the exact date of the meeting that he is referring to.
00:53:42 Elizabeth: Please show from all
00:55:49 Linda Willis: That is absolutely true.
00:57:17 Elizabeth: How will neighbors who are not part of the church know about this meeting?
00:59:28 Tanya Long: Elizabeth I think the the Civic can alert other neighbors who are not members of the church about the in-person meeting
00:59:43 Brice Dobler: Agreed
01:02:55 Michael Wilkos (he/him): Weinland Park is also 90 percent renters and OSU students comprise a large percentage of our residents so renters and OSU students should be included in the conversation if we are concerned about equity.
01:03:57 Elizabeth: the current 3 story building is set back from both the street and the alley, so its “mass” seems a lot less
01:04:58 Tanya Long: but do the students really care since they are transient?
01:06:55 ClanKlossNelligan: Also, for zoning purposes height is “from the curb” not by floors. Some of the current buildings further east are sort of “dug in.”
01:07:03 Elizabeth: BTW-Liam is a student and life long WPer
01:08:27 Michael Wilkos (he/him): We can’t claim students don’t care. I now own a home on 9th Avenue and my first apartment was on 9th Ave 33 years ago. Some students stay and become homeowners. I have OSU students living all around me and they should be asked about the quality of housing they need as well.
01:08:58 Elizabeth: I agree, Michael
01:08:59 WPCCA Meetings: Yes but you still would have been involved on the subcommittee. This is a pre-meeting.
01:11:29 Tanya Long: I didn’t say they don’t care, I asked IF they would care… I have no objections AT ALL to students being a part of this conversation
01:12:06 Laura Bidwa: Please, I beg everyone to try to keep the side discussion to a minimum so we can listen to each other.
01:24:25 Elizabeth: Laura-Could you share the MOU with Uncommon to the group?
01:24:47 Elizabeth: There are some new neighbors here
01:25:14 Elizabeth: I am sorry
01:25:24 Elizabeth: I will help
01:26:40 WPCCA Meetings: If you want to put your email in the chat Elizabeth, that might help? Or Laura.
01:31:55 WPCCA Meetings: If anyone has concerns with Uncommon you can email me and I will pass along your concerns.
01:39:40 Elizabeth: Is this project inline with any of the current zoning plans
01:55:23 Elizabeth: Elizabeth Kloss
01:58:10 Pastor Roscoe Robey: Place Pastor Robey on
02:00:41 Joe Papio: it’s my first time attending a meeting. recently purchased a home in the area. I would also like to be on the working group
02:02:09 Linda Willis: A suggestion would be to send this information to the participants so that they can review the information.
02:02:55 Michael Wilkos (he/him): THANK YOU Kathy for volunteering to help us make the best possible project for Weinland Park!